Visual Storytelling

I share my passion for Lake Baikal, Tajikistan and Georgia through illustrated conferences and films with live commentary. My tours have taken place every fall, winter and early spring since 2013. Audiences are charmed and programmers are spreading the word. Do not hesitate to contact me to offer your audience an unforgettable journey free of motion sickness.


An overview of some Nicolas Pernot films.

What topics are covered and in what form?

Three words: learn, surprise, travel. Surprise and beauty accompany each documentary. My explanations, as well as my stories of adventures and encounters accompany my best shots.

Breathtaking photographs and videos, commented live like a living documentary.

First subject: Lake Baikal, Pearl of Siberia

Winter and the magic of the ice, the breakup of the ice floe and its risks, spring and its colors, the restless and warm-colored autumn, shamans and showmen, orthodoxy and diving into the water freezing cold, improbable encounters, locals and their habits, anonymous adventurers crossing the lake on foot or by bike in the middle of winter, Nikita’s inn…

Second subject: Tajikistan, Peoples and Landscapes

Among the topics discussed: the life of families in the mountains, the incredible hospitality, the ancestral music of the Pamiris, the heritage of the USSR, current crafts, the very particular sport of Buzkashi, the Kyrgyz people living in the Pamirs , at an altitude of 4000m on the Roof of the World, in their yurts and with their yaks.

Third subject: Georgia, Out of Time

Film of 1h13, in two parts. My most professional achievement, distributed in particular by Exploration du Monde (Switzerland and Belgium). The film is commented live. I talk about a host of subjects; here are some of them: transhumance and winter in the Greater Caucasus, the invention of wine, the hospitality and history of the Georgians, polyphonic songs, traditions of the table, icon painters, monasteries troglodytes, etc.

Who is it for?

Our visual story telling conferences are largely targeted at a French audience. We present the films in person at film festivals, cultural events and for underserved populations in settings such as retirement homes & villages, across Europe and North America.

What is the duration?

1 hour and 15 minutes + debate.
(more or less 15 minutes depending on the audience)

What material is needed?

I am 100% independent. I come with my screen (2.4 m wide), my video projector, my sound system. If your screen is noticeably larger or your projector performs better than mine, I’ll use your hardware.
It is essential to make the illustrated conference in a dark or dark room to optimize contrasts.

What does it cost?

Quality is not always synonymous with exorbitant. I charge affordable rates, quoted on a case-by-case basis, depending on the distance to travel, the date, the number of conferences, etc…

Interested ? Contact us!

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